zu fuß
“He who climbs higher, sees farther; he who sees farther, dreams longer.” So said Marco Bonaiti fully portraying the soul of those who, having reached the longed-for summit, feel pervaded by an infinite number of emotions. Standing on top of a peak, after having reached it with the effort that only those who go to the mountains know, gives a deep sense of freedom, peace and contentment.
The panorama that can be seen from the summit is something that cannot be imagined, it is something immense, so far from the confined world that we usually have around us that it makes us feel strange, but at the same time it offers us a great sense of connection with ourselves, with the surrounding environment and also with those who lived the experience with us. After all, hiking in the mountains is a journey, to be experienced alone or with other people, which through effort is able to fill and enrich the soul and the eyes!
With this collection, ITINERARIUM wants to tell the pleasure of reaching a peak, and share the emotion of the incredible landscapes that can be admired at the end of the climb!